Show Hall: Montgomery County Agricultural Center 16 Chestnut St. Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Phone: 301-926-3100. The show hall is handicapped accessible and is heated/air-conditioned, as needed. Show Hours: Check in on Saturday 8:30-9:30 am. Check in on Sunday 7:30-8:15 am. Cats not benched by end of check in will be marked absent. Judging starts at 10 am Saturday and at 8:30 am on Sunday. Advertised show hours 10 am to 5 pm (or end of judging) on Saturday and 8:30 am – 3 pm (or end of judging) on Sunday. Local Hotel: Red Roof Plus+ Washington DC/Rockville 16001 Shady Grove Rd. Rockville, MD Phone: 301-987-0965. CFA discount code 526223. Household Pets: All Household Pets over the age of 8 (eight) months must be neutered or spayed and may not be declawed. Health: It is strongly advised that all cats or kittens entered or present in the show hall be inoculated before entry by a licensed veterinarian against feline panleukopenia (formerly known as feline distemper or feline infectious enteritis), feline rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and rabies. It is also strongly recommended that cats and kittens be tested and found negative for FeLV before entry. All cats/kittens must have all claws clipped prior to benching. Declawed cats are not eligible for competition. Benching: Benching: Individual cage size is 22” X 22” X 22” and is included with your entry. Exhibitors with a single entry using any size security cage are required to purchase an extra 1/2 cage. No Sales cages without a paid entry. Bring your own litter pans. Club will provide litter. Fly-ins: Dulles International Airport (IAD) is the closest. When making travel plans please keep in mind the airport is a 30 to 45 minutes away. Baltimore Washington International Airport (BWI) & Reagan National Airport (DCA) are other alternatives. Scoring: All entries in Championship (except Novice), Premiership (except Novice), registered Kittens, recorded Household Pets, and registered cats competing as Household Pets with an Household Pet color class prefix will be scored for CFA awards. Owners of novices can contact the entry clerk for a temporary registration number. Show Rules: The show will be conducted in accordance with current CFA show rules. Show rules are available for $5 plus $2 postage from CFA, 260 East Main St. Alliance, OH 44601 or online at Link for Directions Official CFA Entry Form |