ENTRY & PAYMENT INFO: NO SALES CAGES OR KITTENS FOR SALE PERMITTED. Entries are accepted now. Entry Fees include CFA & Regional surcharges. The use of the online entry form is interpreted as an official entry in this CFA show, and your email address on the form is considered to be your signature. Per show rule 6.21 each entry must be accompanied by the stipulated entry fee. All online/fax entries must be paid in full within 10 days of receipt or prior to the start of the show, whichever is first. Please make checks payable to Great Lakes Region. Post-dated checks will not be accepted. Payments not received within two weeks after the show date, will incur an additional $50 late fee. No substitutions after the closing date. No refunds after the entry clerk has confirmed your entry or for failure to bench. Check your confirmation for accuracy and contact the entry clerk with any corrections BEFORE THE CLOSING DATE. SHOW HALL: David L Lawrence Convention Center 1000 Fort Duquesne Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Ph: 412-565-6000. The show hall is heated and air conditioned (as needed). Concession will be available for food and beverages. HOURS: Check in 7:30 am- 8:30 am (Saturday). Judging will begin at 9am both days. Advertised Show Hours 9 am - 5 pm both days. SHOW HOTEL: Comfort Inn & Suites 1100 Banksville Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15216 Phone 412-343-0700. We have reserved a block of 40 rooms for $89 for November 15 & 16th. Call the hotel and ask for group name "cat show 2019". BENCHING: NO SALES CAGES OR KITTENS FOR SALE PERMITTED. Cage size is approximately 22"x22"x22" and is included with your entry fees. No cages on marked grooming spaces. There is a maximum of two kittens or one cat per single (1/2 cage). All sales animals must be in cages absolutely no cats or kittens will be allowed in carriers under the tables. Exhibitors with a single entry using any size security cage are required to purchase an extra 1/2 cage. Litter will be available; bring your own litter pans, cat food, and dishes. Although no sales cages are allowed at this show people in Pittsburgh love their kitties and will probably be looking for another addition to their family. If you have kittens available remember to bring your business cards and display them prominently to attract potential buyers. SCORING: All entries in Championship (except Novice), Premiership (except Novice), registered Kittens, recorded Household Pets, and registered cats competing as Household Pets with a Household Pet color class prefix will be scored for CFA awards. Owners of cats/kittens without registration numbers can contact the entry clerk for a Temporary Registration Number. HEALTH It is strongly advised that all cats or kittens entered or present in the show hall be inoculated before entry by a licensed veterinarian against feline panleukopenia (formerly known as feline distemper or feline infectious enteritis), feline rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and rabies. It is also strongly recommended that cats and kittens be tested and found negative for FeLV before entry. All cats/kittens must have all claws clipped prior to benching. Declawed cats are not eligible for competition. HOUSEHOLD PETS: All entries must be at least 4 months old; all entries 8 months or older must be neutered or spayed. Entries may not be declawed. Show Rules: The show will be conducted in accordance with current CFA show rules. Show rules are available for $5 plus $2 postage from CFA, 260 East Main St. Alliance, OH 44601 or online at http://www.cfa.org/Portals/0/documents/forms/19-20show-rules.pdf. The club reserves the right to add judges not named in the flyer. Link for Directions CFA Entry Form (PDF) ![]() |